We work together.
We are incredibly grateful for the partnerships that make New Hope Hospital possible. From sending medical workers to providing nutritious meals for our patients, we are continuously looking for new partners that can help us accomplish the life-saving work.
Interested in becoming a Partner for New Hope? Have an idea of how you can support Dr. Eugene and New Hope Hospital? You are incredible! Please let us know more.
Atrium Healthcare System, International Medical Outreach and Heineman Medical Outreach, Charlotte, NC
These organizations have provided much of what has outfitted New Hope, including furniture, state of the art equipment and supplies. They are also working with New Hope on a program to address women’s health focused on cervical cancer screening.
Beulah Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA
Beulah Presbyterian is a member of the Cap Haitien Ministry Center. They have sent teams of people to do mission work in the Cap Haitien region of Haiti and are financial contributors to New Hope projects and its operational budget.
Cap Haitien Ministry Center (CHMC), Cap Haitien, Haiti, Charlotte, NC
This is a group of organizations that partner together for their ministries in the Cap Haitien region of Haiti. As partners, they have made financial donations to New Hope for feeding programs, the building of the dormitory, and also to programs to fight coronavirus. Each of the members of this group make yearly visits to Cap Haitian for their ministries and to support the hospital.
Canterbury United Methodist Church, Birmingham, AL
As a member of Cap Haitien Ministry Center, Canterbury UMC contributes to feeding programs at New Hope and the Prison Feeding Program sponsored by New Hope.
Christ Episcopal Church, Charlottesville, VA
Christ Eposcopal provided the entire solar system at New Hope Hospital which was installed and continues to be maintained by Ron Jenkins and his very gracious volunteers. They also provided all the lighting and the fans for the New Hope Hospital dormitory.
Dr. Steven Shu, Edina, MN
Dr. Shu provides a program for New Hope Hospital called, “Make Men Smile” which treats hydrocele. He brings to Haiti often. He also donated New Hope’s endoscopy machine.
Espwa Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA
ESPWA is a non-profit that works extensively in the Cap Haitien region of Haiti. Dr. Eugene is the Haitian medical director of Espwa and they send teams to work at New Hope many times a year as well as fundraise for the needs of the hospital.
First United Methodist Church, Franklin, NC
First UMC’s member, Billi Black, a local rotary member, worked with the local Rotary in Cap Haitien to provide New Hope with a new fully equipped ambulance.
Food for the Poor
Food For The Poor helps ship and clear containers from customs for the hospital as well as provide miscellaneous tools for operations. They helped with the purchase of the generator for New Hope Hospital and shipped the ambulance. They have an office in Cap Haitien which serves as a distribution center for their work in the area.
Haiti Hope and Promise, Ironia, NJ
Haiti Hope and Promise was an initial donor to New Hope and contributed greatly to the storage facility and the dormitory. They hold a large Valentine’s Day fundraiser each year for New Hope and travel to Haiti to support their ministries.
Haiti Ministry of Public Health and Population
New Hope works closely with Haitian government to follow all government regulations and licensing for their facility. They help provide the hospital with vaccinations offered to the community, as well as formal training for the staff.
The Haiti Mission Foundation, Inc., Charlottesville, VA
The Haiti Mission’s Foundation has run the Tovar Clinic in Grisson Garde that Dr. Eugene has worked at since 2004. They send teams of doctors, nurses and staff four weeks a year to the clinic where they see 3,000 patients per week. New Hope Hospital serves as the hospital of designation for the patients that cannot be treated at the Tovar Clinic. Many of the doctors, nurses and volunteers of this organization are financial contributors individually to New Hope.
Harrison United Methodist Church, Pineville, NC
As a member of Cap Haitien Ministry Center, Harrison UMC was an initial donor to the building of New Hope and continued operation of the hospital. They make yearly trips and perform building projects at the hospital such as seating for the intake areas and shelving in and around the hospital.
Helping Haiti Work, Plymouth, MN
Helping Haiti work is a member of the Cap Haitien Ministry Center. Dr. Jaeger travels yearly to Haiti serving in various locations doing women’s health work. She has done teaching programs at New Hope concentrating on women’s health.
Institute for Health and Development
This local organization is sponsored by USAID and runs the HIV program at New Hope Hospital.
Konbit Sante, Maine
Konbit Sante is non-profit working in northern Haiti at Justinian Hospital. Nate Nickerson started working with Dr. Eugene after the earthquake in 2010 and continue to work together on things including relocating displaced persons to the northern region of Haiti. They also facilitate helping to clear containers from customs for New Hope Hospital.
Methodist University, Fayetteville, NC
Methodist University is a member of the Cap Haitien Ministry Center. They sends students down yearly to work in the hospital and have piloted a program for physical therapy at New Hope and in home therapy as well as build wells in the community.
Nativity Catholic Church
Nativity Catholic Church in Burke, Va. – Nativity sends teams of mission workers to Cap Haitien who work with Dr. Eugene at St. Anthony’s Clinic and New Hope Hospital. Nativity and Food for the Poor in Florida work together on container shipping and also provided a new generator and a new ambulance for New Hope this year.
Providence United Methodist Church, Charlotte, NC
Providence UMC was one of the initial donors to the building of New Nope and supports the ministries of Dr. Eugene through feeding programs and fighting issues such as cholera and coronavirus prevention. Providence UMC sends teams to Haiti yearly and works with Dr. Eugene in mission through education, microfinance lending and drilling of wells.
Providence United Methodist Women, Charlotte, NC
Providence UMC supports operations of New Hope through their fundraising efforts and also through building wells in the community.
Rise Against Hunger, Raleigh, NC.
Rise Against Hunger provides pre-packaged meals to organizations world-wide to fight hunger. These meals are provided to New Hope Hospital. RAH donates in kind gifts and provides a container shipping for New Hope and many of its affiliates.
River of Life Ministries, Bryson City United Methodist Church, Bryson City, NC
River of Life has provided all of the wells and water systems that supply New Hope Hospital. They are a member of Cap Haitien Ministry Center and Reverend Wayne Dickery travels to Haiti often.
Soaring Unlimited, Rev. Dr. Laura Elliott, Holt, MI
Rev. Elliot and Soaring Unlimited’s clinic work with Dr. Eugene to partner on women’s health issues. They also serve on the Haiti Health Initiative and are members of the Cap Hatien Ministry Center. Rev. Elliott is a United Methodist minister/missionary assigned to the Cap Haitien Area with Soaring Unlimited.
St. John The Evangelist Catholic Church, Everett PA
St. John the Evangelist is the church home of Dr. Mark Rakoczy from VOSH International. They support the hospital through several donations.
Stella Marina/Operation Starfish, Burke, VA
Jim McDaniel at Nativity Church works with Meg Hanrahan and Melinda Engelbrektsson with Stella Marina to provide funds for the midwife training and birthing kits for mothers and babies at New Hope Hospital. They also worked alongside Nativity and Food for the Poor in getting a new ambulance for the hospital.
The Western NC Conference of the United Methodist Church, Huntersville, NC
The Western NC Conference of the UMC is a member of Cap Haitien Ministry Center. They have provided financial support of New Hope and were major donors for the completion of the New Hope Hospital Storage building and new dormitory.
VOSH PA International
VOSH PA is a non-profit is led by Dr. Mark Rakoczy. They run on-site eye clinics at New Hope Hospital twice a year.
Other financial supporters of New Hope Hospital include:
St. Joseph Church, All Saints Catholic Parish, Evansville, IN
Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church, Danville, VA
We’d also like to thank the many individual donors who help make the hospital possible.